13 Page 9
I selected a chocolate torte, knowing Jared’s affection for chocolate, and met Tori, already at the register. When I offered to contribute toward the bill, she pushed my hand away.
“I’ve got it.” She winked, motioning with her head for me to follow her outside.
Ten minutes from the house, I felt my whole body tense up. I wanted this night to go well. My fingers went to Jared’s ring. Something they’d unconsciously been doing since he’d slipped it on my finger. The band was made of wood. Polished smooth. Center hollowed out and filled with a piece of guitar string.
Now that I knew who he was, the ring made complete sense.
It was beautiful. Manly.
Totally Hawk.
I rolled the nickname over in my head.
“Why Hawk?” I wondered out loud.
Smothering a smile behind her hand, she simply answered, “His last name is Hawkins.”
I fiddled with the ring again. Remembered his hands on my hips.
His mouth on mine.
Tori’s gaze dropped to my hand, and her mouth fell open. “Is that his ring?”
I stuffed my hand beneath my leg. Flustered. “Uh…”
“He never takes that ring off.” She shot another glance my way. “His sisters gave that to him after he got out of juvie. I guess it’s supposed to be a symbol of them supporting his dreams.”
Crap. Now I really felt guilty for not leaving it on his dresser that morning.
“I planned on giving it back,” I half whispered, shielding my hand protectively against my chest.
“All I was saying is, it’s important to him, and if he gave it to you to wear…”
“What?” I practically screamed after thirty seconds had passed and she still hadn’t finished her sentence.
“He must have felt you are pretty important, too.”
I blanched and stumbled over my words, “B-But he’d only just m-met me. Why would he do that?”
Tori flashed a knowing smile. “My point exactly.”
I ran the tip of my index finger over the polished wood. Smiling inwardly.
A little like Jared.
Exactly like Jared.
We were seated around a roaring fire, drinking beer and talking, when I felt the heat of his stare.
I was laughing at something Styx had said when my gaze swept across the flames and up the length of Jared’s tanned legs. Connecting with his gaze.
Melting when one green eye closed on a lazy wink.
We spent the next hour stealing glances. Pretending we were caught up in the conversation around us, but neither really paying attention. Focused solely on each other.
The next time he caught my attention, he motioned with his head for me to follow him.
I watched him get up and walk toward the water.
Naturally, I followed. Keeping a safe distance.
Cautious and anxious at the same time.
“Feel like taking a walk?”
“Of course.” I chewed my lip, hoping I hadn’t sounded too eager to finally be alone with him.
It was dark, but the moon’s reflection on the water offered enough light for us to see where we were going. The waves crashing against the shore was the only sound. In the distance, I could hear Sin’s voice. Followed by Tori’s laughter.
As for the two of us… We remained quiet.
Two bodies walking side by side.
Seemingly miles apart.
Until he reached over and slipped his hand in mine, squeezing.
The ocean stilled.
The voices quieted.
But my heart beat wildly.
During dinner, I’d made the decision to be bold and present my offer to him. See what he had to say. But the last hour had me questioning everything all over again.
Whatever happened back at the fire had once again shifted things between us. I preferred this side to the guy who practically made ignoring me an Olympic sport. This felt like the same guy I had met the other night.
Then again, maybe it was the alcohol he’d been drinking.
I decided to find out.
“Are you drunk?”
“I’m not feeling poorly, if that answers your question.”
He spun around. Walked backwards. Never releasing his hold on my hand.
At this distance, I could see he wasn’t shit-faced, but he wasn’t entirely sober either.
“You’ve ignored me for two days, and suddenly you’re holding my hand. What gives?”
A smirk tickled both corners of his sexy mouth. “No, I’ve been avoiding you. Big difference.”
I stopped walking and tugged my hand free of his grasp. “Why would you do that?”
Jared laced his hands behind his head and stared up at the evening sky. Blowing out a loud puff of air.
“I was pissed. Needed to sort some shit out.”
“Wow. I thought we ended things on a good note the other night,” I answered quietly.
The look he shot me rooted me in place.
“No, we ended things on the right note that first night. Everything since has been a letdown by comparison.”
My nostrils flared. “So, avoiding me was punishment for sneaking out of your bed? I suppose if I’d stuck around, we would have fucked, but then that would have sparked an entirely different conversation.”
Three steps, and he was standing in front of me.
Eyes blazing.
He cradled my face in his hands, breathing heavily.
“I fucking love this feisty side of you.” He stared at my mouth and licked his lips. “I think we both know sex would have changed everything between us. I may be sorry it never happened, but I still wouldn’t change a thing about that night. Not for all the fucks in the world.”
Waves lapped at my toes as my heart threatened to burst out of my chest.
“You wouldn’t?”
He moved closer. Toes touching.
A mixture of beer and peppermint on his breath.
His hard to my soft.
“Not in a million fucking years.”
My fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. I was confused. “So, now you’re saying you don’t want to sleep with me?”
He lowered his forehead to mine and chuckled.
“No, Tiny, that’s not what I’m saying. I simply meant I’d rather wait. I’d like to spend time with you. Learn everything about you. Then, and only then, we will fuck.”
He wanted to court me.
A blush crept across my face and chest. “I’d like that, too.”
Soft lips brushed the spot below my ear.
“That’s good.” He kissed a path down my neck, humming softly as he ran his thumb over the ring on my finger. His ring.
“I like seeing this on you. Felt right the moment I slipped it on your finger,” he whispered in my ear.
On that admission, he let go of my hand and resumed walking, stunning me silent.
Good. Lord.
I watched him walk away.
Back to our friends.
Back to the fire, where we shared more stolen glances.
I found myself lost to the sound of his laughter. The gleam in his eyes.
He appeared relaxed. Carefree. Happy.
I stared, remembering our first night together. Wishing I could remember more.
His mouthed ‘You okay?’ made me feel cared for. Protected.
Something I hadn’t felt in a long time.
I liked it a lot.
I nodded, realizing I wasn’t ready to let go just yet.
And I damn sure didn’t want to wait for him to come to me.
Later that evening, I was in bed watching television when I heard a knock on my door. Two short raps before the door eased open and Sophie entered. Once insid
e, she leaned back against the wood and offered a small smile. Wearing only a long cotton shirt and fuzzy thigh-high socks, she looked as though she was already dressed for bed.
Why she came to my room at one in the morning—dressed this way—was anybody’s guess. Though, I had my suspicions.
Now that she was inside, she fidgeted as if she was nervous. Like she might be having second thoughts. It wouldn’t surprise me if she turned tail and ran.
If I’d learned anything in my short time of knowing her, it was that Sophie was a runner. I wasn’t worried, though. Something about the way she looked at me told me that, no matter how scared she was, her desire to be near me far outweighed those fears.
I put my hands behind my head, confident and totally relaxed. I allowed my gaze to travel the length of her petite frame, lingering a little longer on her naked thighs. The same thighs I’d had my hands on three days ago.
Fucking. Beautiful.
I tried playing it cool.
“You lost?”
“Hardly,” she scoffed, fussing with the hem of her shirt. “I just… I was hoping maybe we could talk.”
I studied her once more. Face scrubbed free of makeup. Blonde hair piled on top of her head. Smooth, kissable skin. She caught me checking her out and tipped her head coyly and smiled.
In that moment, I knew that, if given the chance, this girl could destroy me.
Then again, they say every man has his kryptonite.
In a few short days, it seemed as though Sophie Banks had become mine.
“Sure. I guess. What did you want to talk about?”
Sophie nibbled on her lip, her gaze darting between me and the door. Waiting.
Reading her cues, I shifted over on the bed and patted the space beside me. Inviting her to join me.
She wasted no time crawling up the mattress and snuggling into the crook of my arm. Making herself at home.
Two words: Perfect. Fit.
I buried my nose in her hair and took a deep breath.
God, she smelled amazing. Like lavender and honey.
“What’s up?” I pressed.
“I had a nice time tonight,” she admitted quietly. “Dinner was yummy, too. Then the walk on the beach was… nice.”
I got the impression she was stalling. While I was all for lying next to her and shooting the shit, I also wanted her to feel comfortable asking me anything, because it was obvious she had something specific on her mind.
“I had a nice time, too, Tiny, but why do I get the feeling that isn’t the only thing on your mind?”
She raised herself up on one elbow and studied my face. For a few moments, we sat in silence.
It was hard to not be distracted by all the tanned skin on display. My eyes were immediately drawn to the way the collar of her shirt draped over one shoulder, revealing the column of her neck and the smooth line of her collarbone. I wanted to dip my head and kiss a path from the tip of her shoulder to the lobe of her right ear. As if that wasn’t enough to test me, her creamy thighs rested mere inches from my hand. A hand itching to stroke them. Tease the soft skin of her inner thigh with one fingertip until her legs parted. Granting access to the heated area nestled between them.
Deep breaths, dude. Don’t let her see how turned on you are. She didn’t come here for sex.
“I need a favor.”
Please let it be sexual.
“Remember the whole wedding thing?” she asked innocently. I gave her a look, and she squirmed beside me. “Well, the next day, my agent called. Apparently, he’s been getting a lot of calls. Casting directors are taking notice.”
“I don’t understand. What does that post have to do with any of this?”
“It seems they like the idea of me being married. I guess it makes me seem more stable in their eyes.”
“Stable?” I asked, still not making the connection.
Sophie sighed a heavy sigh and pushed herself up to a seated position.
“Last year, I was a contestant on a reality show. While I was in the contestant house, I did some things. Things I’m not entirely proud of. I guess my actions left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. The kind of people who make decisions for struggling actors such as myself. They considered me a loose cannon, and my career has suffered from that lack in judgment. So, the fact they’re calling now is a pretty big deal.”
“That’s great news. Right?”
“I suppose.” She picked aimlessly at her socks and avoided looking me directly in the eye. “My agent thinks it would be best if I continued the charade. He believes that by us posting more photos and appearing in public together—as a couple—people will see that we are really in love.”
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. “We?”
“Of course, ‘we.’” She smacked at my arm. “You’re the guy in the photo. It’s not as if I can go out and find another guy who looks like you and would be willing to play the part of my fake husband. I mean, I could, but that would take too much time. Time I don’t have.”
“But we’re not actually ‘in love.’” I held up my fingers and did air quotes. “Something about this doesn’t feel right. How will our pretending convince these people of anything? I’m not so sure I like the idea of you being someone’s pet project,” I grumbled.
“I appreciate you trying to protect me, but I think you’re forgetting that I’m an actress. I’ve spent years portraying someone I’m not. Besides, in this case, love is just an illusion. All we have to do is stage the photos properly, and people will read into it what they want.”
My hand brushed across her thigh, and she shivered at my touch. Scooting closer, she leaned forward, bracing her palms on the mattress.
From this angle, I could see down her shirt. See the valley between her breasts. Breasts that weren’t too big or too small. Just the right size for my palm. Dark nipples, erect and begging to be licked and sucked.
“What do you say? Are you up for playing the part of my husband a little longer? I’d be willing to pay you if that would help sway your decision.”
“Fuck that,” I growled and tore my gaze away. “No way in hell I’m letting you pay me to pretend to be in love with you.”
“You have to let me offer you something. Please, Jared. I can’t do this without you.”
When she peered up at me with those magnificent blue eyes, how could I say no? Hollywood was the dream of every aspiring actress. If all it took to make her happy was continuing the charade, consider me a married man.
“Aw, shucks. What the hell. I mean, it’ll be a burden, but I think I can tough it out. Unless a better offer comes along.” I leaned back on my arm and dropped her a wink.
“Oh, you are so smug.” She swatted at my chest with her hands, laughing. “Thank you. This means everything to me.”
I bopped the tip of her nose with my finger. “No problem, Tiny.”
And it really wouldn’t be a hardship.
In reality, it was a win-win.
She would get her ‘husband.’
I’d walk away with an endless supply of one-on-one time and an excuse to kiss her whenever I wanted.
I drew the line at her paying me.
What the fuck was that about anyhow?
It was as if she was oblivious to my attraction to her. Either that, or she wasn’t interested—a notion I found hard to believe.
She’d looked so cute when she’d asked me. Nervous. Stumbling over her words as if she was afraid I would turn her down. As if I could. Based on the reason for her request, I could understand why it had been hard for her to ask. What she failed to understand was, I had been on board with this crazy scheme from the beginning. Seriously, how hard could it be? Pose for a few pictures. When we were together in public, we needed to pretend we were crazy hot for each other. Pfft. Like that was going to be a challenge. One look at her, and I had a raging boner. Pretending to want her would not be a stretch.
“Question,” she announced out of the blue. “Since you’re my ‘husb
and’ and all, what should I call you? What I mean is, I met you as Jared, but your friends call you Hawk. I’ll admit I feel a little left out. If we’re going to do this, I want to be part of your world. I really want us to be friends.”
I reached up, threading my fingers with hers. “Friends? Is that all? I only ask because that first night, I felt a connection between us. If we’re going to be spending all this time together, I think it’d be a shame not to act on that attraction at some point in time. Don’t you?”
I was going to pause right here and make it known that in no way did I mean I wanted to bang her right then and there. Something inside told me right now she was far too vulnerable. If we fucked now, it’d be like me taking advantage of her. But my sassy, southern sweetheart seemed to have other plans. Plans that included a lot of kissing. And a helluva lot of body parts touching.
“You have no idea how happy I am you said that first,” she declared breathlessly.
With Ninja-like moves, Sophie stripped the blanket from my body, and I couldn’t help smiling at the look on her face when she discovered I was only wearing boxers. She took her time in her appraisal. Taking in the definition of my chest and abs. By no means was I a bulky guy, but I worked out regularly. Running helped me relax. Well, that and sex. Most people wouldn’t realize it, but being up on stage was an intense workout, and there were nights when I played for a solid three hours, and my guitar wasn’t light—especially when I switched to playing the double neck. My muscles were long and lean, like the rest of me, and her gaze paused on the bulge in my briefs. The one that grew with every second she kept staring.
I thought about my sweet Mamaw. My sisters. Baseball stats. Anything to tame the beast awakening between my legs.
Sophie licked her lips hungrily, looking as though she wanted to eat me alive. Her eyes darted from my crotch to my eyes and back to my erection. I said a silent prayer to my dick. Pleading with it to play dead, just this once. Not because I didn’t want her. God, I wanted to fuck her in the worst way, but not tonight.
Not this soon, and not like this.
I opened my mouth to tell her this was a bad idea. Tell her we should say good night and try this again in a week or two when she wasn’t feeling so vulnerable. Seriously? Who the fuck are you right now, dude?