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  She swept one leg over mine and straddled my thighs, nestling her ass just above my knees. Leaning forward, she finger-walked up and down my chest. My nipples were rock hard from her touch. The pad of one finger circled the darkened areola before brushing ever so softly across my nipple. I swallowed, noting the dark blue hue of her irises. That same finger traveled higher to trace my bottom lip, and on the third pass, I caught it between my teeth and held on, loving the surprise in her eyes.

  I rose to meet her. Hands on her back, drawing her body flush with mine. Eyes closed. Our mouths crashed together in a kiss of utter desperation. Wanton need coursed through my veins as the tip of her tongue languidly stroked my lips, seeking entry. They parted on pure instinct, making room for her welcomed intrusion. She tasted so damn good. Like something I had never tasted but would crave for the rest of my days. Her greedy tongue felt like silk in my mouth. Soft and slick. Eager as fuck. I couldn’t help thinking how amazing it would feel to have that tongue wrapped around my erect cock, milking me until I had nothing left to offer.

  My hand went to the back of her head. Fingers buried in her disheveled hair. I could see her nipples through her shirt. The little pebbles rubbed against the cotton fabric that confined them. Begging to be set free. I fell back against the pillows, pulling her along with me. As we kissed, she moved her hips in slow torturous circles, grinding her pussy over my rock-hard and all too eager cock. Since all I had on was underwear, I could feel how wet she was beneath that silky scrap of material she called panties.

  Her soft moans kept me in a trancelike state.

  That’s it, Tiny. A little to the left. Yes! Right there.

  Roll. Flex. Grind.


  My hands fell to her waist, fully intent on putting an end to the seduction. But goddammit if what she was doing didn’t feel like fucking Heaven.

  My mind was at war with itself.

  Slip your hand inside her panties. You know she wants you to.

  Don’t do it, asshole.

  She’d look so hot riding your cock.

  Don’t be that guy. If it’s this good now, think how much better it will be if you wait.

  “Fuuuck!” I opened my eyes, saw the desire in hers, and knew I was in trouble. It took every ounce of strength I possessed, but I pressed my thumbs into her flesh and got her attention. “Whoa, slow down, baby.”

  It pained me to utter those words, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

  For now, at least.

  She came back to my mouth, claiming it before I could get another word in.

  I ripped my mouth away, panting hard. “Sophie, we need to stop.”

  Her hands dropped to my chest as she pushed herself up, still straddling my hips, and stared down at me. Mouth open and out of breath.

  “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted me.”

  The vulnerability in her voice told me this was the right decision, but I had a hard time tearing my gaze from her heaving chest. The way her nipples puckered against the cotton made my mouth water. I’d pictured her naked since the moment we’d met. That night, her dress had been so short it left little to the imagination. Tonight, with my hands on her bare thighs, pussy mere inches away, I could see the prize, but I wasn’t so sure I deserved it.

  I wasn’t sure I ever would.

  I wanted her, but I refused to take advantage of her.

  Mark my words. There would be fucking in our future, but my dick was going to have to earn the right to be inside her.

  “I do want you. But not this way. I don’t want to rush into anything. I told you on the beach that I wanted to get to know you first. Right now, it feels like the only reason you’re doing this is because you think you owe me something for coming to your rescue, which feels an awful lot like what you did on that TV show.”

  That made her mad.

  “This is nothing like that, and what right do you have to judge me or my actions? Living in that house was emotionally taxing, and Gavin was nice to me. He was the only friend I had at the time.”

  Something inside me snapped. “Is that why you fucked him on national television? Because he was nice?”

  Yeah, I knew it was a low blow, but I’d watched the video. Saw the look in her eyes. It was the same look she’d given me when I’d said yes. I didn’t like the idea of her thinking she owed me, or anyone for that matter, for showing kindness.

  I wasn’t being kind to get in her pants. I was that way because that’s the way my mama raised me.

  Hurt shadowed her pretty face, and I felt instant remorse.

  “How dare you judge me. I don’t have to explain myself to you. In fact, I refuse to keep talking about it.” She pushed off the bed and headed for the door. “You know what? I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong. And you can forget about the whole marriage thing. I’ll figure something else out.”

  She’d barely reached the door when I slammed it shut, caging her with my arms.

  Things had gone haywire way too quickly.

  “Please stay.”

  My heart beat wildly inside my chest when she turned around and peered up at me through tear-soaked lashes.

  “Aww, fuck, Tiny. I’m sorry for what I said. I never meant to make you cry.” I cupped her face in my hands and took the fact that she let me touch her as a good sign.

  “I’ve already paid a penance for my actions on that show. If we’re going to do this, Jared, I don’t need you throwing my mistakes in my face.”

  I brushed a thumb under each eye, wiping away the moisture. Feeling like the world’s biggest asshole.

  “Noted,” I answered with a nod and mischievous smile. “For the record, you can call me any name you want, just as long as you keep calling.”

  “Hmm.” The tip of her tongue poked through her lips, and her eyes went up and to the left as she pondered her options. The sight of her tongue had my dick jerking with eager anticipation. With her bottom lip between her teeth, she looked up at me and giggled. “Can I call you Sparky?”

  I responded with a firm “Fuck no,” and then couldn’t help chuckling at the pouty face she made. She looked fucking cute as hell.

  Damn. There was something about this girl I just couldn’t get enough of.

  “Now that we’ve been properly introduced,” she announced, eyes shifting down to the semi I was sporting, “I think maybe I’ll call you Hawk. Hawk,” she repeated my name. Testing it on her lips.

  I found myself leaning toward her, eyes zeroing in on those luscious pink lips that tasted of peaches and cream. “Does this mean we’re still married?”

  She arched a brow and rested her hands on my hips, thumbs dipping beneath the waistband of my boxers.

  “That depends.”

  My arched brow rivaled hers. “That so? Depends on what?”

  “On whether or not I’m ever going to get that honeymoon you promised me.”

  My hearty chuckle echoed throughout the room. “Woman, you sure are intent on getting in my pants. I don’t know how I feel about being looked at as a sex object.”

  “What?” she asked innocently, reminding me of the flirtatious woman I’d seen the night we’d met. “I’ve wanted you since the moment you first spoke to me. Now that I have firsthand knowledge of what you’re hiding behind those boxers, you can bet your sweet ass it’s all I’m going to be thinking about.”

  “You…” I lowered my lips to hers and stole another taste. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I can think of a few things.” She switched off the light and then leaned into me, screaming when I bent at the knees and tossed her over my shoulder.

  I grunted and carried her down the hall. “Girl, you need to learn a thing or two about being wooed. Off to bed with you, young lady.” The sides of her fists beat out a rhythm on my ass the entire walk to her bedroom, where I tossed her in the middle of the bed and kissed her good night. “Just so we’re clear, Tiny, I promise you will be sore after I’ve been inside you. But I also p
romise to kiss and make it better.”

  The last sound I heard was that of her frustrated huff when I turned out the light and shut the door behind me on my way out.

  The walk back to my room felt like the longest walk of my life.

  Then again, it was hard to walk with a raging boner.

  Sorry, buddy, not happening.

  Man, it was going to be a long night.



  For the first time in a long, long time, I was genuinely happy. No auditions to rush off to. No rushing down eight city blocks to get where I needed to be. No hustle and bustle of people and traffic. It was just me, the sound of crashing waves, my three incredible roommates, and thoughts of Hawk in his underwear.

  Yep, it was official. Jared Hawkins had consumed me, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

  Hawk: Sleep well?

  Me: I was. What time is it?

  Hawk: Three. Did I wake you?

  Seriously? Who in their right mind was awake at this ungodly hour?

  Me: Nope, wide awake over here.

  Clearly, he wasn’t buying it because I could hear him laughing through the door.

  Hawk: I was thirsty, and then I had to pee, and that made me think of you.

  Me: You think of me when you pee? Hate to break it to you, but that is not a turn-on.

  Hawk: Uh, yeah. Lately, every time I touch my dick, I think of you.

  Me: Really? Huh, guess that changes things.

  Hawk: So, it’s okay that I touch myself and think of you?

  Me: Sure, I mean, that’s kinda hot.

  Who was I kidding? That was totally hot.

  Hawk: In that case, I’m thinking of you right now.

  Me: Seriously? Right now? In the next room?

  Hawk: Oh, yeah. Gotta go. Need two hands for this.

  Did he say two? Holy...

  Me: Hawk?

  Me: Hawk?

  Minutes ticked by, and I lay there, staring at the bathroom door, knowing he was a mere twenty feet away and fondling himself. Having that kind of knowledge was torture, and I cursed him for thinking it was okay to admit what he was doing. The words ‘two hands’ played on repeat in my head, making the ache between my legs impossible to ignore.

  Me: Damn you, Hawk. Now I’m wide awake.

  Hawk: Try touching yourself. Worked wonders for me. I’m so sleepy. Sweet dreams, Tiny.

  Twenty minutes passed, and I still hadn’t fallen back asleep, and then I decided to take his advice.

  I felt a little naughty, knowing he was in the next room and probably knew what I was up to. For all I knew, he was in the bathroom with one ear pressed against the door, listening for a whimper or moan, both of which I was pretty sure I made.

  I was happy to report it worked like a charm.

  Tori called early the next morning and announced we needed another ‘girls day.’ She picked me up just before ten and took us to a day spa where we were pampered. First, a full-body massage, and then we were waxed from head to toe before they whisked us off to another station for our mani-pedis. Lying on the massage table, I realized just how long it had been since I’d treated myself to such luxuries. While my toes were being painted a vibrant teal color, I made a mental note to book another appointment when I got back to New York.

  After the spa, Tori insisted we have lunch at the quaintest little cafe I’d ever seen. The walls were lined with antiques, and the floor and ceiling had been painted with a whitewash finish. Each table was decorated in mismatched pieces, but they all had a distinct theme. The table we were seated at was adorned in various shades of Fiestaware while the table next to ours suggested an English tea time setting.

  One word: Adorable.

  “What gives?” Tori asked once the waitress had taken our drink order.

  “What are you talking about?” I rearranged my mismatched silverware and placed my napkin in my lap. Still smiling.

  She laughed and sat back in her chair. “You have the goofiest grin on your face. It’s been there all morning. I’m just curious what put it there. Better still, who?”

  So many reasons to choose from. The make-out session we’d had in Hawk’s room the other night. Waking up the next morning and finding a cup of coffee with a note on my bedside table, signed ‘Your loving husband.’ Or the kiss we’d shared before heading off to bed last night, alone.

  All of them gave me reason to be happy.

  But the icing on the cake had been the text he’d sent this morning.

  Hawk: Go out with me tonight.

  Me: Out? Like on a date?

  Hawk: Yeah, like a date.

  Me: Aww. I’d love that.

  Hawk: Yeah? Pick you up at 7.

  Me: Pick me up? Are you forgetting we live in the same house? Lol

  Hawk: Shut it, woman. I’m wooing.

  Did I already mention how charming it was that he wanted to court me? Make no mistake, Jared Hawkins might be a rocker, but he was a southern gentleman at heart, and it was obvious his Mama had taught him well.

  Me: In that case, I’ll be waiting with baited breath.

  Hawk: And Tiny?

  Me: Yes, Hawk?

  Hawk: Wear something sexy.

  Now you can see why I’d been smiling like the cat who ate the canary. I wanted to get to know Hawk better, but I was also dying to have his hands back on me. In multiple places. The other night, I got a taste of what he was packing and, not gonna lie, I wanted him. Badly.

  I wasn’t lying when I’d told Tori I hadn’t had sex in a long time, and I got the impression Hawk wanted to take his time and savor what we were building. Whatever that might be.

  So, I’d wait, because something told me he would be worth it. However, patience had never been my strongest virtue.

  My hesitation to respond sent Tori over the edge, and she started laughing. It probably didn’t help that my face had flushed red with embarrassment. This was my best friend. She’d seen me through every high and low, but she’d never actually seen me smitten with a boy.

  She waggled a finger at me while shaking her head. “I knew it! Who knows their best friend?”

  “Yeah, maybe so, but you don’t need to rub it in.”

  “Who’s rubbing it in? Oops, maybe I spoke too soon. Is that a post sex grin I’m seeing? I know I’m usually smiling after Sin is through with me.”

  I rolled my eyes, laughing. “That so?”

  “I’m either smiling or catatonic.”

  My phone buzzed with a text, and I palmed it, sliding it into my lap to check it, figuring it was Hawk, but it wasn’t. It was Mitch.

  Mitch: Loving the posts. Press is going crazy trying to track down the mystery man. Call me ASAP. Audition lined up for 2pm next Monday in L.A. This is BIG.

  I turned my phone over, ignoring it. “Of course. I’d expect nothing less from a man who looks like that.”

  “So?” Tori waggled her brows. “Give me all the dirty details.”

  I sighed and stared out the window, wishing I could keep everything to myself. I liked living in my protective bubble. This woman had been my best friend for so many years, and we’d been through many things together. Even though she knew almost everything there was to know about me, there were a few things I’d kept closely guarded. Not that I didn’t trust her. I’d trust Tori with my life. It was just that there were some things I wasn’t incredibly proud of. Things I was deeply ashamed of. I hated keeping them from her. I guess maybe it was easier holding them inside because talking about them made them real, and maybe I hadn’t fully survived the grieving process.

  Grieving sucked. Pretending was so much easier.

  “There’s not a whole lot to tell. He agreed to keeping up the charade, so that’s good.”

  “Oh yeah? How’d that conversation finally come about?”

  Tori knew I’d talked about broaching the subject with Hawk. She also knew how nervous I’d been to actually go through with it.

  “Turns out it was easier than I’d
anticipated. The night of the bonfire, I went to his room, and he invited me to join him on his bed.”

  She smacked a hand on the table, causing a few diners to turn their heads. “Shut. Up!”

  “What?” I flashed the most innocent smile I could muster. “Nothing happened. Well, maybe a little something, but not actual sex, at least not with each other.”

  Her mouth dropped open in shock. “Sophie Banks, are you telling me you diddled yourself in front of that man?”

  I gasped. “God, no!”

  Not that I wouldn’t if he asked to watch. But now wasn’t the time to admit that little nugget.

  “That doesn’t mean I didn’t later when I was alone.” I snickered behind my hand before turning serious. “Hawk is really sweet, and I’m looking forward to spending more time with him.”

  “I see you’re calling him Hawk. That’s a good sign.” Tori’s eyebrows danced as she leaned forward on the table and rested her chin between her clasped hands.

  “He might have alluded to me calling him that from now on.”

  “I see, and he alluded to this after…”

  I could see she was fishing for more than I was dangling. With a roll of my eyes, I blurted, “Fine. It was after a lot of kissing and dry humping, but no, we did not bump uglies. I wanted to, but he said something about making me wait. He wants to woo me.”

  “Awww, that’s so sweet. He really is quite the gentleman.” She batted her lashes and smiled dreamily. “I never gave Dylan the chance to woo me. With us it was full-on attack mode. God, but that man sure knows how to fuck.”

  The lady at the table next to ours gasped and dropped her utensils. The clanging sound filled the entire room.

  “I think you may have said that a little louder than intended.”

  “Oh, shit. Sorry.” She flashed the lady a toothy grin. We both burst into a fit of giggles behind our hands. “Clearly, we shouldn’t be allowed in public.”

  That earned her a laugh and a snort. “Speak for yourself. I’m a lady.”

  “I stand behind what I said. If Hawk is half the lover Sin is, you, my friend, are never going to want to leave his bed,” Tori admitted as she rocked back in her chair, studying me. “You really like him, don’t you?”