Save My Heart (Sticks & Hearts Book 3) Read online

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  “There you go.” He presses the handle between my fingers then closes his hand protectively over mine and doesn’t make a move to let go. His minty breath wafts over my cheek, tickling my skin in ways I’m not comfortable with. His chin comes to rest on my shoulder, and I find I’m holding my breath.

  Once upon a time, on a stormy night when we’d lost power, the three of us lit candles and played a drinking game. Sam, being a lightweight, lay passed out and snoring shortly after four mixed drinks. While she slept, Asher drunkenly reminded me about the day he learned he’d never play professionally again. In return, I made him sit through the story of how hard it was for me to live with an alcoholic mother who resented me. I remember him downing another shot and pointing out that I, too, was currently drunk off my ass. I remember after that the air between us seemed to shift, and the next thing I knew, I was pinned beneath him, falling prey to his soft lips and the warmth of his lean body above mine. He could have had me that night. I knew it. And he knew it. But I think we both knew if we crossed that line, we’d lose everything we’d come to love about being part of the Three Amigos.

  We never mentioned the kiss to Sam. In fact, we’ve never spoken of it again. But every now and then, I sense his presence in the room, and the air between us crackles. I find myself wondering if he’s ever second-guessed our decision to refrain. He knows all about Scott. Knows what happened. Knows how badly my heart was broken. Knows that I secretly still think of him. That night by the candlelight, he told me he could be the one to help me forget about Scott. Maybe he was right, and sometimes a small part of me wishes I were brave enough to find out. But Asher is a gentleman. He never pushes. He’s just always there. He’s like a big teddy bear, comforting and easy to lean on. No matter what I do. Whatever bad decisions I make, he’ll always be there.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Ash, I can’t…” My eyes fall closed as I struggle with my roller-coaster emotions. “What if I can’t do this?” His body stiffens against mine before a soft kiss is pressed to my temple. A single tear sneaks past the corner of my eye, but I don’t move to wipe it away. “What if I see him and realize I am still in love with him or something stupid like that? All this time, I’ve been in love with the memory of him. Not the way it ended. The good times we shared. But what if… What if it’s more than that?”

  “It’s going to be okay, Sky,” he says softly, drying my cheek with a brush of his hand. Our eyes connect and he offers a small, understanding smile. I squeeze his fingers in mine, and he returns the gesture. “So what if your feelings turn out to be real? Honestly, I think it’s only natural considering the way things ended between the two of you. Just go up there and try playing it cool. See how he acts and take it from there.”

  My eyes roll heavenward as I choke out a laugh. “Gee, you make it sound so easy.”

  “Actually, the first time you see him, it’s going to sting like a mother. But you’re not the same shy girl he walked away from. You’ve toughened up quite a bit these last four years.” He winks, takes my braid in his hand, and gives it a gentle tug as his expression softens. “Seriously, are you okay with this?”

  “Of course,” I wave him off and pull myself together, because I can’t afford to be weak. He raises a skeptical brow and know it’s no use trying to pretend with him. He knows me too well. “Okay, it may be a little hard, but I need to do this. Besides, it’s only temporary. I’ll take a bunch of pictures and knock out this story. Who knows, I may even be able to finish early and make it back in time to don those pigtails and put that baseball bat to good use.” I hook my thumb toward the closet where my costume hangs. “Wouldn’t that be ideal?”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my right ear before leaning forward to press a kiss to my cheek. “Want to know what I think? This asshole doesn’t deserve you. But I get it. Go up there and break his heart or whatever it is you need to do. Just know I’m here if you need me to come up there and kick his sorry ass. Hell, I’ll even bring the damn bat.” Strong arms circle my waist, swallowing me up in one of his famous bear hugs. I can’t help giggling like a schoolgirl at his display of caveman behavior.

  “What if I just need a strong shoulder to lean on?”

  A genuine smile spreads across his handsome face. “Then you’ll be in luck. I’ve got two, and for you they’re always open.”

  “I seriously hope you know how much I love you. You’re my best friend, and I know it’s only for two weeks, but I’m going to miss you something awful. I promise to call.”

  “You better.” He smiles warmly.

  I break free of his hold and give a lighthearted laugh, though right now, I feel as if a thousand pounds rest on my shoulders. I have this amazing guy in front of me. He knows everything about me. I’m not one to keep secrets. He’s seen me with wild hair after crawling out of bed. He even saw me the one time I had to do the walk of shame from the neighbor’s apartment. Through it all he’s looked at me with the same eyes. He knows all my flaws, yet he still looks at me as if he may kiss me again. Asher Reeves is nothing short of amazing. So why is it when I look at him all I see is that he’s not the man I want looking at me in that way?

  Oddly enough, that honor goes to a man who hasn’t laid eyes on me in four years.

  But that’s all about to change. I wonder what Scott will say when he sees me again?


  My flight to Detroit is quick, just over an hour, and after landing, I make my way through the maze that is Detroit Metro and board the tram. This is my first visit to Detroit, and thankfully, I’d been sitting next to an older woman who advised me it would be much faster to take the tram down to baggage claim. By the time we reach our destination, I’m glad I took her advice.

  I pull out my phone and double check the last text I received from Derek Davis informing me he’s outside the baggage area, waiting for me. He also told me what kind of car he’s driving, so I head out in search of a black truck. It only takes a minute to spot him, and when he steps out of the truck to greet me, I have to remind myself to close my mouth so I don’t trip over my own tongue. Figures he would be Scott’s friend. After all, beauty attracts beauty.

  “Skylar?” he asks quizzically.

  I step forward, extending a hand that he accepts right away with a warm smile. “Derek?”

  “Welcome to Michigan. How was your flight?” He reaches around me to grab my suitcase, and I follow behind him as we head back to his truck. He opens the door and hefts my bag into the backseat before rearranging a few items on the passenger seat. “Sorry about the mess. I was supposed to borrow one of the station vehicles, but I was running behind this morning.”

  I climb up in the cab and buckle in, waiting for him to get in the other side. “I’m sorry you had to come out of your way. I told Mitch I could have picked up my rental car earlier.”

  “Nah. It’s no problem at all. Honest. I pass the airport every morning on my way to work, so it’s not out of my way. My fiancée had a doctor’s appointment this morning that ran over, and then I had to stop and get her a frosty, because her cravings kept me up all night.” He shrugs his shoulder as if it’s an everyday occurrence. For all I know, maybe it is.

  Assuming ‘cravings’ is code for sex, I chew on my lower lip before offering, “Well, that’s awfully sweet of you to indulge her. Does she have cravings often?” I chuckle, amused he’s known me all of five minutes and already he’s sharing info about his sex life. I live with a guy, so this kind of stuff is nothing new.

  He laughs and turns on his blinker to change lanes. “She’s seven months pregnant, so yeah. If I don’t indulge her, she gets a touch cranky. Besides, I like to spoil her, but don’t tell her I said that.” He winks.

  OMG! I’m so embarrassed. “Right. Pregnancy cravings.” I nod my head like an idiot. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Seven months? Congratulations.” I sneak a glance in his direction, and the excitement on his face is evident. “I hope I get the chance to meet her wh
ile I’m in town.”

  “Don’t worry. Laney already has a plan in the works. We would have gone out tonight, but she figured you might need a night to yourself after your travel and everything.” He laughs softly and turns into a parking lot.

  I join his laughter and get out of the truck once it’s stopped. “Be sure and thank her for me. So, do you know anything about this apartment Mitch has lined up?”

  “I do. He lucked out and got you into an apartment right on the harbor. It’s in this great new building and has a view of the water. The only downside is that it’s on the third floor,” he says, rounding the truck to guide me into the building. “I hope you don’t mind; I just need to grab something from my office before we head over to your apartment.”

  “Not a problem.” My legs work double time to keep up as we cross the expansive lobby of the news station. “This place sounds perfect, but how in the world did he manage to snag something like that on a month-to-month lease?” He holds open the elevator door and motions for me to enter first.

  “I’m not really sure, but knowing Mitch, he probably leased it for the full year and already has something planned for after your time is up. He’s always cooking up something in that brain of his,” he says only half-joking.

  “Oh, I know! We just launched the magazine six months ago, and he’s already been hinting that he’d like me to start blogging special feature articles. As if I don’t already have enough on my plate.” I laugh and shake my head before exiting the elevator.

  Once I step off the elevator, I’m surrounded by rows and rows of cubicles. The sound of fingers pecking on keyboards and bits and pieces of conversations come at me all at once. The low hum of creative chaos. I love it.

  “Well, what do you think?” His eyes make a pass over the room, while he waits for my response.

  “Feels almost as if I never left Atlanta,” I chuckle.

  He jerks his head to the right and starts walking again. “Just let me grab this file, and we’ll stop by security downstairs to sign out one of the station cars, then you can follow me over to your new apartment.”

  “Oh, I don’t think a car will be necessary. I booked a rental, but it won’t be available until Friday. I should be fine until then.”

  “Friday? That’s two days. I promised Mitch I would look after you. I can’t leave you stranded in this city for that amount of time without transportation. What if you get hungry? Or if you realize you forgot to pack toothpaste, or worse, underwear? No. We’re getting you a car, and that’s final.” He nods his head as if there’ll be no argument. I throw up my hands to show he’s won this round then follow him around and nod as he points out key areas of the office, stopping to introduce me to a few colleagues along the way. He’s friendly and warm, and it’s clear that everyone on staff likes him. Nearly an hour has passed by the time we finally make it to the garage and pick up the car. Before starting the SUV, I lean out the window and call across the structure to where Derek is just getting in his truck.

  “Hey, Davis.” He turns and regards me with a tilt of his head. “For the record, I packed gobs of underwear and they’re safely nestled inside my suitcase. But hey, my underwear and I are touched by your concern for our well-being,” I tease.

  “Well, that’s good to know.” He laughs deeply. “I’d hate to be responsible for you going commando all over the City of Detroit.”

  “Goodness.” I laugh. “You’re going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?” A smug grin is the only response I get. “Careful how you spoil me, or I may start expecting a couple of those frosties before I go back to Atlanta.”

  This earns me a groan. “Christ, you girls are determined to have me on a first-name basis with the poor schmuck working the drive-thru window. Come on, follow me. Your building’s only a few blocks down the street.”


  “Holy crap! Derek, have you seen this view? It’s incredible,” I announce, unlocking the sliding door and stepping out onto the balcony.

  “It’s beautiful, right? Wait till you see it at night with all the lights sparking off the water. Laney loves coming down here at night to walk along the riverfront.”

  “Wow. I never even thought about what it will look like at night.” I clap my hands together happily. “This whole place is incredible. I can’t believe it just opened. Everything is brand spanking new.” I run my hand along the smooth finish of the granite countertop, noting it’s nothing like the well-loved apartment back home. Thinking about home reminds me I need to call Ash and let him know I arrived safely. “You should bring Laney here sometime. I’m sure there will be plenty of days where I’ll be free to hang out. We could maybe have some girl time while you’re at work.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure she’d love that.” He beams. “So, I guess I’ll head home and give you time to get settled in. I left the key to the apartment on the table by the door. You sure you remember how to get back to the office?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, but if I forget, I’ll just ask Siri.” I wiggle my phone in front of me.

  “Shit. I completely forgot to show you where the arena’s located.” He glances down at his watch. “You want to take a quick drive?”

  Feeling guilty for taking up most of his day already, I adamantly shake my head. “Again, not necessary. As long as I’m here, I might as well learn my way around.” Sensing his concern, I throw in a promise to call if I need him. “Thanks again for everything. I really appreciate it.”

  “Again, it was no trouble at all. Hey, why don’t you come to our house for dinner tomorrow? I’ll call up Cage and Rivers; this way, you’ll get to meet everyone at once. You’ll have a chance to go over your ideas and set up a schedule with them. Sound good?” he inquires with a toothy grin.

  It takes a few seconds to gather my composure and attempt to sound cheery. “Sounds like a great idea.”

  “Awesome. These guys are the best. They’re going take one look at you and fall in love.” He gives me a brilliant smile that ends with a quick wink. “I’ll text you my address after I talk to the guys.” He steps out into the hall but quickly turns back around and sticks his head back through the doorway. “Oh, and Skylar?”

  “Y-yes?” I croak out.

  “Try to relax. I have a feeling that by the time this is over, you’re going to fall in love with them, too.”

  Oh, Derek. If you only knew…

  After Derek leaves, I open a bottle of wine and spend the next six hours settling in and going over the packet Sheila put together for me, making notations in the margins next to some of the events listed on the itinerary provided. The list is impressive, and I can’t help noticing most of their activities are related to local charities.

  My assignment is to photograph them taking part in these events. Getting their take on how they, as professional athletes, can have an impact on helping further advance these causes. Observe them in this new element. I’m not well-versed in college hockey, but I don’t believe student players have a lot of free time to donate to charitable causes. It should be interesting to see how they handle themselves.

  Next, I pull out the list of suggested questions Mitch has taken the liberty of putting together. My eyes scan the paper, and what I see has me pouring another glass of wine. There’s no way in hell I’m asking some of these questions.

  Scott, as a goalie you have to be quite the contortionist to make some of those saves. Tell me, is there a particular activity outside of your regular workout routine that aids you in staying so limber?

  I draw a thick line through that one. Sorry, Mitch. There’s no way in hell I want to listen to Scott describing all of his sexual endeavors. Next!

  I realize hockey takes up a good portion of your year. Do you have a girlfriend? If so, can you name one creative way you’ve found to spend time together? Something not related to hockey.

  Oh, hell, no.

  Seriously? I can’t ask this question. Maybe of Brantley, but definitely not Scott. I already know he has a girlfriend. At leas
t I think he does. Maybe he has several. After all, there are an awful lot of women featured on his IG page. I can’t help rolling my eyes. Whatever.

  In a huff, I toss the packet onto the table and stand, stretching out my stiff muscles. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I haven’t eaten today. I shove the cork back into the bottle of wine and store it in the fridge. I recall seeing a strip of restaurants within walking distance of this building on the drive over. I grab my phone and shove my ID and credit card in my back pocket before heading out the door.

  It’s later than I realized and pretty dark out. No wonder I’m starving. I make it one block before finding myself in front of a bar. The outside is warm and inviting. Practically begging me to come inside and order a drink. So, I do. I make my way to the high-top bar and claim the last empty stool.

  “Welcome to The Hideout. What’s your poison?” The pretty, dark-haired bartender chimes.

  “Hi”—I check out her nametag—“Melissa. How ‘bout a glass of your best Sauvignon Blanc and maybe a menu?”

  “You got it.” She works quickly and places the glass and menu in front of me before moving on to serve the next customer.

  I swivel on my stool to survey the room. Taking in my surroundings. Tables of various sizes are scattered throughout the room. One corner is dedicated to comfort. Oversized leather couches and dark wood side tables give it that homey touch. And it works, because there isn’t an empty seat on any of the couches. I order a burger and opt for a glass of water this time.

  Melissa places my order then comes back and busies herself wiping down the bar. “I haven’t seen you in here before. You new to this area?”

  “Oh, God. Am I that obvious?” I wince. “First night, actually. On business from Atlanta. You’re good, you know that?”

  She shrugs off the compliment. “Nah, just observant. Trust me, you tend bar for eight years, and you learn real quick how to read people.”

  I’m intrigued.

  “You must hear lots of juicy gossip.”