Miles Apart (The Not So Bad Boys of Rock Book 2) Read online

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Brooke: Maybe a little lame…

  Me: Did you work tonight?

  Brooke: Yeah, it was another successful service. Things are really turning around. I think Max is impressed.

  Me: He should be, it sounds like you’re doing an amazing job, not to mention the sacrifices you’ve made to go there.

  Brooke: He’s aware of my sacrifice, and believe me, it wasn’t easy for him to ask me to do this. He trusts me Sebastian, and he believes in me.

  Me: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I believe in you too babe. If anyone can turn it around, it’s you.

  Brooke: Thank you.

  Me: Did you do anything fun tonight?

  Brooke: I went to a party upstairs, met some neighbors.

  Me: That sounds nice. Any of these neighbors happen to be of the opposite sex?

  Brooke: A few of them.

  Me: Oh…

  Brooke: He was nice, but a bit of a flirt. Don’t worry, I put him in his place. He knows all about you.

  Me: Hmm… Not sure how to feel about that.

  Brooke: You don’t have to feel anything, it’s not an issue. I barely even know what he looks like.

  Me: What’s his name?

  Brooke: You really want to do this?

  Me: Humor me.

  Brooke: Reid.

  Me: Was it his apartment?

  Brooke: No, it was upstairs. He lives across the hall from me.

  Me: I don’t like the sound of this.

  Brooke: Stop. I never should have told you. I was just trying to be honest about everything, you know, since my dishonesty tore us apart in the first place.

  Me: We were never torn apart, Brooke. I was just hurt. I’m trying to get past it. Is this Reid guy anyone I should be concerned about?

  Brooke: Not at all. Enough about my night. Tell me about yours. Were you attacked by any grabby brunettes?

  Me: I’m going to kill him…

  Brooke: Aw, don’t hurt him. I thought it was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on your face…

  Me: Believe me, I already have. So, you’re not upset about it?

  Brooke: About what? Some random girl throwing her arms around you and kissing you? No. I would be more upset if your arms had been around her.

  Me: The only body I want these arms around is sitting a thousand miles away. Kind of reminds me of when you were in Michigan and I was in L.A.

  Brooke: I kind of miss those days…

  Me: Me too. I really do love you.

  Brooke: If you really loved me you’d call me so I could hear your sexy voice.

  She picked up on the second ring.

  “Hello beautiful.”

  “Hey handsome.” My heart instantly swelled at the sound of her voice, and at that moment I knew she had been right, I needed to call her more often. We talked for another hour, sharing about her work and my tour. She wanted to hear all about the guys, and how they were holding up.

  “So, I’ll see you later this week, right?” I reminded her, trying not to sound too desperate.

  “Nothing could keep me away. My flight gets in Wednesday afternoon.”

  “I’ll be there to pick you up. I can’t wait to see you.” So much for not appearing desperate.

  “I’m dying to see you. I hope you don’t have plans that night.” She moaned, suggestively.

  “Why, did you have something in mind? I can take you around, show you a few sights.” I offered, innocently.

  “Oh no, what I have in mind doesn’t require transportation.” She giggled, softly.

  “Oh…” And just that quickly, I knew Wednesday was going to become my new favorite day. “See you Wednesday. I can hardly wait. Goodnight honey.” I heard her sigh at the mention of my favorite nickname for her.

  “Night sweetheart.”



  “So, I take it things are better between you two? I’m glad to hear it. I was starting to get worried. If something happened, and you hadn’t stayed together, I don’t know how that would have worked for my relationship with Dek.” Jade responded, after listening to me go on about how Sebastian and I had worked things out. I couldn’t help but notice the relief in her voice.

  “I’m sorry. I know it was a bad position to put you in, that’s why I tried to keep my distance.” It had been hard for me, not having a friend to talk with, and sharing with her now helped alleviate some of the stress I had been carrying with me since the night of the party. After everyone had gone, Jade had stuck around, doing her best to console me, even though I hadn’t been very consolable at the time. She had been hesitant to leave me alone, but she had to get back to her job in Michigan, and I needed time to reflect.

  “It was very hard. Dek and I have been beside ourselves, not sure what to say, or even how to help. He said that Sebastian has been off his game. He seems to think that seeing you this week will bring him back around.”

  “I’m not sure, I hope it’s not too awkward, being around all of them. I caused the pain that he is going through. I’m responsible for the choices he’s made since I left.” I fight hard not to break down again. The weight of my selfishness is something I carry with me everyday.

  “Stop that. You’re choices may have hurt you both, but you are not responsible for how he has handled himself. He’s a big boy, he needs to own his reactions. Don’t take on that burden,” she scolds me, knowing very well that it’s within my nature to do exactly that. “You have enough baggage of your own, don’t try to be responsible for his too.” She sighs and takes a deep breath. “Listen, you two are meant to be together. The emotional connection is too strong to deny. You love each other, and you need one another, do the work to make it right.”

  “I know,” I admit. “I know you’re right. Oh Jade, I’m afraid I’ve become my mother,” I whispered.

  “No! Do not say that. Listen to me, Brooke. You are not her, you never will be her. You love Sebastian. She only loved herself and her job.” Jade shared Sebastian’s sentiments on my mother’s behavior. I had two people in my life that I loved more than anything, and they both hated the very woman that brought me into this world.

  “She must have loved me though, even through it all, she still cared for me in the most basic of ways. She didn’t completely abandon me.” I replied in a shaky voice. Most of the conversations revolving around my mother ended with me calmly defending her actions. Maybe that was how I was able to live with making the choices I had made along the way.

  “I’m sure she did, but don’t allow that to cloud your judgment, what she did was still wrong.” Jade said, firmly.

  “No more wrong than the choice I made.” She didn’t respond. At this point she knew that nothing she said would make a difference.

  On Tuesday I went to the restaurant with the intention of preparing the team for my upcoming absence. I had been going over the responsibilities with one of the managers that would be handling things for the next three days. I was fairly confident that everything would run smoothly, we had been functioning pretty well as a team, but I was still uneasy about leaving. My natural instincts were to remain here and do my job, foregoing any chance I had of spending time with the man I loved so dearly. If at any point I felt that Victoria couldn’t be trusted, I would have to make a tough decision and cancel my trip.

  I made my way to the office, expecting to find it empty, but when I opened the door I found Max sitting in my chair, working on the computer. He looked up and smiled when I closed the door.

  “What on earth are you doing here?” I cocked my head, smiling at the answer I already knew he would give.

  “I wanted you to be able to spend time with Sebastian, without worrying about things here. We’re a team, remember. I’ve got this. You two need time to work this out. Things are really beginning to turn around here. Who knows, you may be home in L.A. sooner than you think.” He smiled, turning back to the computer.

  “My flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow.” I pointed out, not ready to get my
hopes up about L.A.

  “No, but my plane is ready and waiting for you at the airport. The crew has the flight plan and all they are waiting for is my call. So what do you say?” I stared at him, overwhelmed by his support and generosity. I know his offer was part of the reason for the trouble Sebastian and I had been walking through, though the dishonesty was all on me, but he genuinely cared about me and my happiness. He watched me, studying him, and rose to take my hands in his. “I want to show you that you can have it all, Brooke. You don’t have to pick one or the other. Just go to him, surprise him, I think he needs that kind of a boost right now.” I looked into his kind eyes and nodded.

  “You’re right. I think we both need it. Thank you. Thank you so much. This means everything to me.” I pressed forward, against his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist, gripping my wrist tightly, introducing him to the bone-crusher.

  “Wow, that is one powerful hug.” He chuckled, patting my back tentatively.

  “I know,” I mumbled into him, pulling away awkwardly, though still smiling. “It’s called a bone-crusher. Sebastian’s mom perfected it, and he taught me, so now I am sharing it with you. It’s one of the things I miss most about him.”

  “Well, get on that plane and go get yourself one. I think you deserve it kid.” His smile was warm, and assuring.

  “See you in a few days.”

  “Stay as long as you need, don’t worry about things here. My plane will be there when you’re ready to come back.”

  “Thank you,” I stammered, backing out of the room slowly. “Thank you for everything.” I turned and ran through the restaurant, my mind utterly focused on the one thing that mattered most, reuniting with the love of my life.


  “No way, not happening.” I declared, pushing Dek away from me. He had just spent the last five minutes trying to convince me that skydiving would ease my anxiety over Brooke coming to see me. Even though I was amped over the idea of being with her, I was also nervous since it had been over a month since we last saw each other. We’d gone that long without physical contact before, but this time it felt different. This time we had hurt one another, something I never thought would have been possible when it came to our relationship.

  “Oh, come on, don’t be a wuss.” He grunted, shoving me right back. “You need this, man. Blow off some of that energy before you two see each other. You’re all wired. The energy coming off you could light her hair on fire. You need to burn it off, that way you’ll be calm when you see her again.” He glared at me before his eyes softened, urging me to trust him.

  “Okay. Alright. I’ll go skydiving with you. But you do remember what happened last time, right?” The last time we went had been was before Charlotte had died. The anticipation had started during the pre-jump training, then the thrill of the ride down had been contagious. We’d gone back four times that week, seeking out the high, it was intoxicating. The last jump we made was solo, and the exhilaration of taking that first leap of faith, then watching as we soared high above everything else, and landing without killing ourselves, had been enough to send me over the edge. I had felt invincible. That night I went home and couldn’t keep my hands off Charlotte, still amped from the high. I became addicted to the thrill. After the accident I couldn’t bring myself to go up again, feeling undeserving of that sensation. In all honesty, it seemed ridiculous to me that I would jump again at all, after this long, but also because I wouldn’t have anyone I loved to share my high with.

  “Yeah, I know, I remember. But she’ll be here tomorrow and you can try to relive the moment then.” He brushed off my hesitation and headed for the car. “You coming or not?” He tipped his head toward the car.

  “What? Now?” I swallowed, hard.

  “No time like the present my friend.” He laughed wickedly, sounding like anything but a calming presence. “You’ll thank me for it later.” He winked.

  “Don’t count on it.”

  We made our way to the airfield. Dek had obviously researched this on the internet before accosting me. We paid for the jump and made our way to the training room. Each time you jump you are required to go through a tutorial, no matter how qualified you are. It had been a couple of years so I found myself paying close attention, having probably forgotten more than I’d ever known. We suited up and began the walk to the plane. I felt the anticipation forming, and the familiar thrill began to take up residence within me. I turned to catch a glimpse of Dek, wondering if he was feeling the same, and he gave a jaunty wink. He was definitely riding the same high.

  When the plane reached an altitude of 13,000 feet we took our places at the aircraft opening. I took a deep breath and stepped in front of Dek.

  “Later, dude.” I jumped out, instantly feeling the rush as my arms crashed through the atmosphere. I positioned myself to freefall, and the euphoric sensation took over my body as I watched the earth’s surface get closer. I looked to my right and found Dek nearby, having positioned his body in the shape of a torpedo to catch up with me. We realigned ourselves to slow our fall. When we reached pull altitude we launched our pilot chutes, slowing down our freefall, then the main chute deployed and we steered our way to the ground.

  “That was freakin’ awesome baby!” Dek exclaimed, jumping up and punching the air, still intoxicated from the jump. My body was tingling, and my nerve endings were on high alert, even the sound of his voice caused my body to react. This was something I had missed, and I hadn’t even realized it until now. Ever since we were kids, Dek and I had been adventurous, dangerous even. We began thrill seeking as a way to burn off nervous energy before a big show. For awhile it had almost gotten out of hand, and Dek had ended up in the hospital on more than one occasion. Both of us had broken many bones and suffered through various bumps and bruises, all in the name of seeking the thrill. After Charlotte died, I still sought out the high, only then it came in the form of substances that could have killed me in a different way.

  “It felt great, I can’t lie. I never realized how much I missed it, you know?” I stated, gathering up my chute.

  “Oh no," He replied, shaking his head. "This was a one-time deal. I just wanted to take your mind off your troubles. I’m not sure I’m up to more broken bones.”

  “Too late buddy. You’ve opened up a can of trouble.” I teased, giving him a light shove. “I told you to leave it alone, but you wouldn’t listen. You only have yourself to blame.”

  “Oh, Lord. I hope Jade still finds me sexy when I’m battered and bruised.” He groaned loudly.



  I’ve never really been fond of flying, at least not until today. Max’s private jet is certainly a far cry from flying commercial. I mean, talk about rich boys with their toys. This baby has two bathrooms, a fully stocked wet bar, fully reclining leather seats, leather couches, a private bedroom, and a meeting room complete with a twelve person conference table. After takeoff, I spend the next thirty minutes just exploring every square inch of opulence. I’d never seen anything like it in my life. Sebastian’s told me stories of flying on the record companies private jets, and at the time I had been doubtful that something as utilitarian as a plane could be so plush. Strangely enough, I found myself resting comfortably as we flew over Amsterdam.

  Max has a driver waiting for me when I arrive. I double check my phone, making sure I have the right hotel, then relay the information to him as we set off. The ride takes less than twenty minutes, and before I know it I am standing on the sidewalk, bag in hand, staring up at the cement building before me. I take a deep breath and realize that I am nervous, really nervous. Even though we’ve been talking on the phone, more often lately, I haven’t laid eyes on him since his birthday. Everything about this brings on a tremendous weight of self-doubt, coupled with a strange amount of nervous energy. The sudden desire to feel his lips on mine takes over, and soon I am consumed with need. I enter the hotel and it dawns on me that I don’t know what room he’s staying i
n. It hadn’t been necessary information since the original plan had been for Sebastian to pick me up at the airport tomorrow. I make my way to the reservations counter and share my dilemma with the clerk behind the large marble surface. Her smile is politely fake as she gives me that practiced response to requests of this sort. I am certain that on more than one occasion there has been a celebrity staying here and a fan has delivered the same sob story to her, but I’m not just a fan. I sigh heavily when I realize that I’m going to have to forgo the element of surprise and call Sebastian.

  He doesn’t answer, so I leave a generic voicemail asking him to call as soon as he can. I manage to convince the clerk that I will be staying in the hotel and she agrees to let me leave my luggage behind the counter, but not for too long. I make my way to the adjacent lounge and take a seat in the far corner, contemplating my options. I could wait here, hoping that he returns my call soon. Or, I could order a glass of wine and watch as people come and go. I decided to combine the two. Forty-five minutes into my people watching game it dawns on me that I could call Chris. Since that night we’ve only spoken via text. He had tried to contact me a few times but I was afraid that it would complicate things for Sebastian. I tried explaining that to Chris but he didn’t understand. He then reminded me that no matter what happened with Sebastian I was still his little sister, and he would always be there for me. The phone rang three times before he picked it up, sounding somewhat out of breath.

  “Brooke! Is that you sis?” His tone went up a notch as he spoke.

  “It’s me,” I squeaked. “I’ve missed you. How are you?”

  “Good, all is good. The tour is rocking along, it’s keeping us busy though. I hear you’re joining us tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you.” He gushed. Hearing his voice again made my eyes fill up, and it took everything I had within me to keep the waterworks at bay.

  “Well, that’s one of the reasons I’m calling.”