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“Give us six shots of tequila,” Tori told the waitress before looking back at me. “Beer?”
“Definitely. Corona, in a bottle if you have it.”
“Make that two Coronas.” After the waitress left, she gushed, “God, I can’t believe we’re finally hanging out. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since we’ve sat together in a bar? I’d guess at least two years.”
“Yet some days it seems like only yesterday.”
The waitress came back with our drinks, and we tapped our glasses together in a toast.
“To cutting loose with your bestie.”
“To besties!” I shouted enthusiastically while reaching for another. Three shots in, and I was feeling sentimental. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you at Michael’s funeral.”
Nine months might have passed, but I’d been carrying that guilt a long time. I had been in the middle of a play at the time of Michael’s funeral, and it hadn’t been possible for me to get away on such short notice.
“What are you talking about?” She waved me off. “I already told you it was okay. You had that play you were doing. Besides, Dylan was there to support me.”
Not going to lie, that stung. Still, it was the truth. We might be best friends, but her life was with Dylan now. He would forever be the one to wipe away her tears. Give her advice.
I mindlessly picked at my napkin. “I know, but I should have been there for you. That’s what besties do. They drop everything and go where they’re needed. I didn’t do that, and for that I’m genuinely sorry.”
“Sweetie, you were with me. In here,” she said, covering her heart with her hand. “But if it makes you feel better, I forgive you.”
My heart swelled, and I looked over and smiled, hoping it conveyed my gratitude. For everything, not only her forgiveness.
Minutes later, the lights dimmed, and the band took the stage to raucous applause. Tori and I stood, cheering loudly and whistling. All around us women howled. Calling out each band member by name. A few of them screamed propositions—some of them downright vulgar.
I laughed at their crudeness, remembering how it had been every time Gavin’s band had performed.
Twenty minutes into their set, that laughter turned to annoyance. I didn’t like wondering which of these groupies, if any, Hawk had slept with. How many had he taken back to our house? Fucked in his bedroom? Showered in our bathroom?
“Stop torturing yourself,” Tori ordered.
“I wasn’t—”
“Don’t even start. I know exactly what’s going on in that head of yours. I’ve been there, and believe me, you don’t want to go down that road. Besides, Hawk doesn’t make a point of going home with groupies. If he does, he’s been very discreet about it.”
“So, you’re telling me every skank in here hasn’t touched his dick? Good to know.” I couldn’t help smiling at that revelation.
She took a sip of beer and peered at me over the bottle. “I take it things are going well?”
“I think so, but it’s been nearly two weeks, and it seems as though we’re still in the ‘getting to know you’ phase.”
“What kind of ‘getting to know you’? Are we talking clothes on or off?”
“We haven’t reached that level of intimacy just yet, so they’re still on,” I giggled, “but I think I’m starting to wear him down.”
“There’s the Sophie I know and love. To wearing him down!” We raised our beers in a toast.
I leaned across the table and yelled, “They’re really good.” Tori nodded, face full of pride for her man. “Why aren’t you up there?”
“I only join them for certain songs. Dylan would love it if I were up there permanently, but I prefer to sit down here and watch him do his thing. Not going to lie, I get really turned on watching him strut around.” Tori wriggled her eyebrows, fanning herself.
My gaze shifted to the stage. Lingered a moment. Or ten. Okay, fine. I stared with my mouth open for a solid minute—but not at Dylan.
“Yeah. I can see why.”
God, it’s hot in here.
Dylan was singing a variation of Nickelback’s I’d Come For You while Hawk played guitar and sang backup. Listening to this same cover on my computer was one thing. In person, it gave me an entirely different feeling.
I couldn’t stop staring.
“Holy crap. You should see your face right now,” Tori pointed out as she slapped the table. “Sophie, breathe.”
I tore my gaze away from Hawk and gave her a look that told her to shut up.
“Don’t look so surprised. I’ve been telling you for months how good they are. Now you finally get it, don’t you?”
“Why hasn’t a label signed them already? They are really good.” Amazed. That was the only way to describe how I was feeling.
“They’ve had offers, but Blade is really great about looking out for their best interests. He told Dylan to be patient and hold out for the bigger labels to take notice. It’s only a matter of time.”
Nickelback rolled into AC/DC while Tori continued dancing in her chair. One of the benefits of being seated so close to the stage was that we didn’t have to fight the crowd on the dance floor. We already had a front row seat. There were a couple of times during the song when I caught Hawk checking me out. One of those times I wiggled my fingers in a wave, and he smiled the sexiest smile.
“Have you told him you’re leaving yet?”
“No, but I will tonight. There just hasn’t been a good time to bring it up. Besides, it’s only a few days. The audition is Monday, and then I’ll meet Mitch for dinner to go over a few things and be back before Hawk has a chance to miss me,” I argued.
“I don’t know, Soph. The way he keeps looking over here tells me he’s missing you right now.”
“Shut up. He is not. He’s probably just making sure I’m okay. He has this insatiable need to protect me all the time. I kinda dig that.”
“Sure, what girl wouldn’t love a guy who woos her and comes to her rescue?” Tori said with a playful roll of her eyes.
I thought about her comment as another song started up.
At one point in the evening, I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, I found Tori on the dance floor. On my way to join her, I bumped into a random guy who whipped around so fast he sloshed beer down the front of my shirt.
“Why don’t you fucking watch—” His eyes raked slowly over my body. “Hot damn. Sorry about my clumsiness there, sweetheart. I hope I didn’t get you too wet,” drunk asshole apologized to my tits.
I surveyed the damage. Groaned inwardly. Smiled. “No worries.”
Walked away.
“What’s your rush, beautiful? Let me buy you a drink,” he called after me.
“No, thanks, I’m already taken.” I kept walking. No sense giving him false hope.
The song that was playing ended, and Dylan placed a stool in front of the mic stand. I watched as Hawk pulled another stand out from behind a large speaker. Interestingly enough, this stand had an acoustic guitar strapped to it.
He definitely had my attention.
A single spotlight shined, illuminating only Hawk. He strummed the chords of the intro with such grace. Such precision. His focus was intense. Forearms taut. I knew the song well. Love Song by Tesla. Mama used to listen to it while I was growing up. She would tell me stories of how she’d gone to a concert and once had her picture taken with the lead singer of Tesla. That photo used to be in a frame next to the perfume collection on her dresser. I wondered if it was still there…
The intro came to an end, and Hawk transitioned to playing the electric guitar strapped across his body. From the first strike of his pick, I was hooked, and as the song played on and it came time for the guitar solo, everyone’s attention was locked on the man behind the double neck cherry-red guitar.
Such skill.
Such concentration.
The way his upper body jerked with every chord change.
The way h
is lips moved when he sang along with Sin.
His fingers moved with such precision.
It was pure artistry.
No. This was art on FUCKING FIRE.
It was too much.
It wasn’t enough.
It was… everything and then some.
During those five minutes, I discovered something very important.
I discovered there was much more to Jared Hawkins than a sexy man with a slow, southern drawl and deep affection for calling me by the nickname he’d given me.
It also hadn’t escaped my attention that nearly every woman in the bar had their eyes on him, and for some reason, that only made me desire him more.
The song was almost over when Tori cupped a hand over my ear and yelled, “What do you think? Good, right?”
“I think I just came in my pants.” As soon as I uttered the words, I looked up to find Hawk staring down at me with eyes dark and full of lust. In that moment, I knew he’d read my lips. You wanna know something? I returned his stare and never even blushed.
Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to her. Even while deep in my groove, I felt her.
Studying the way my fingers moved over the neck of the guitar.
The way I looked as I played.
Now, before you ask, my ego wasn’t too big for my fucking head. No one had to tell me I looked good. I was well aware. But if Sophie wanted to sing my praises, I’d gladly listen to her all night long.
We were nearing the end of the song when I happened to glance her way and catch what she said to Tori. I couldn’t hear the words, but I was able to read her lips clear as day.
I just came in my pants.
Nothing else existed. Not the other people in the bar. Not my best friends who shared the stage with me. Not the music or the fact I still had to finish this set.
The only thing on my mind were the words she’d spoken and my desire to verify that what she’d said was true. If it was, I needed to find out for myself.
The last note I played was still ringing in my ears as I stepped off the stage and went in search of the woman who consumed every waking thought I’d had for the last ten days. It was time to take our relationship to the next level, if only to satisfy my curiosity.
I’d almost reached her when I was stopped by a persistent redhead named Amber, who had been trying to get me to ask her out for the better part of my time here in PC. She seemed nice enough, but the chick seriously wouldn’t take a hint, no matter how many I’d thrown at her. I’d tried everything I knew short of being a complete prick, but she just kept finding ways to corner me at least once a week. This was the first I’d seen of her since we’d been back.
“Hawk,” Amber purred, throwing her arms around my neck. “I’ve missed you so much. Did you miss me? It feels like ages since I’ve watched you play.”
“Hey, Amber. It has been a while.”
Not long enough.
“When you played that solo tonight, I thought I would melt on the spot. So. Good. Seriously amazing.”
I tried disentangling myself from her grasp, but the damn woman had tentacles for arms. I scanned the crowd, searching for Sin. He was great at extracting himself from these situations. I spotted Styx a few tables over, but it was no use asking for his help. He would only laugh and give me shit about it later.
“Amber, you can let go now.”
“But I don’t want to,” she pouted. “When are you going to stop fighting it and kiss me already?”
For the love of—
Get a fucking clue already.
In that moment, an angel came to my rescue.
With blonde hair shining like a halo and blue eyes blazing like Satan’s fire.
Sophie Banks was the perfect contradiction.
“Excuse me. Take your hands off my husband right this second,” she demanded.
“Look, Blondie, I don’t know who you are, but you need to back off,” Amber replied, waving her hand in Sophie’s face.
Clearly, that wasn’t a smart move because Sophie stepped between us and poked a finger in Amber’s chest. The same finger she’d stabbed me with a time or two.
“No, bitch, you’re the one who better back off, or else you’re about to have a big problem.”
Amber’s face twisted into an ugly sneer, and she raised her arm as if she intended to strike Sophie. To my surprise, Sophie drew back her own fist, ready to deliver her own blow.
Oh, hell no.
“Enough! Amber, you need to leave. Not only that, but you need to stop touching me. Stop asking me out. It’s never going to happen between us.” I drew Sophie against me, tucking her under my arm. “I’m a married man.”
Amber’s mouth fell open in shock. “You’re shitting me, right?”
Sophie wiggled her left hand in front of Amber’s face. “Face it, honey, you never had a chance.”
“You bitch,” Amber screeched.
“Buh-bye, Amber,” Sophie tittered with a wave of her fingers.
We watched her stalk off, shaking our heads when she turned around and flipped us both off. Oh well, one less problem for me to deal with later.
“Where the hell were you six months ago when I needed you?”
Better still, where have you been all my life?
Whoa. Where the hell had that come from?
“I’m not sure.” Sophie linked our hands together and rocked them between us. Smiling. “I’m pretty sure I was in New York wondering when I’d find someone like you.”
Well… how ’bout that.
Leaning forward, I brushed my lips across her cheek and kissed the spot next to her ear. The spot she loved. It made me realize how much I’d already come to know about her. As far as I could tell, Sophie was an open book. All I had to do was peruse her pages to find out everything I wanted to learn. Trouble was, I wanted to learn everything, and my gut told me we didn’t have that kind of time. Each day that passed put us that much closer to her getting the call she’d been waiting for. No matter what happened between us, good or bad, it wouldn’t matter. Our ending had been written long before our story had had the chance to begin.
I tucked a chunk of hair behind her left ear while gazing into her beautiful blue eyes. “Tell me something, Tiny. Do you have plans for the rest of the night?”
Her eyes grew wide, and she drew in a sharp breath, shaking her head. “No, no plans. Why, did you have something in mind?”
I could hardly contain my grin as I lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered, “I’m dying to find out if what you told Tori was true.”
She pulled back and smiled a smug smile. “Jared Hawkins, are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”
I threw my head back in laughter, loving that sassy mouth of hers. “Why, yes, Miss Banks, I most certainly am.”
“Well, Sparky, if that’s what you want, then you need to come right out and ask for it. I love a man who’s not afraid to tell me what he wants.”
“Fine.” I shook my head and spun her tiny body until her back was pressed against my front, and when I wrapped my arms around her, I cupped her pussy in one hand, claiming it as my own. “I want to take you home. Get you naked and spread you out on my bed.” I paused to kiss my way from her shoulder to her parted mouth. “And discover just how sweet you taste on my tongue.”
I swallowed her answer with a kiss but was quite certain what she’d said was, “Hell, yes.”
Sophie broke the kiss to pull out her phone and then leaned her head against my chest saying, “Smile,” before snapping a picture.
“What was that one for?” I brushed the hair from her shoulder and nibbled on her ear.
“I thought we should capture the exact moment we agreed to take this relationship to the next level,” she moaned as I continued licking and sucking the soft spot below her ear. “I mean, that’s pretty… pretty important. Don’t you think?”
“Umm hmm.” Kiss. Lick. Suck.
Blow. “What about after? I can’t wait to see the way you look after I’ve made you come. When your hair’s a tangled mess. Face glowing. This plump lip tucked between your teeth.” I drew that lip between my own teeth and held on as we stared into each other’s eyes. “But that one will be for my eyes only. I don’t want to share that with the world. That look is mine.”
“Yours,” she answered with a kiss before taking me by the hand and leading me out the door.
Hawk was quiet on the drive home. So quiet I began to wonder what might be on his mind.
Every few minutes, I’d look over and catch him looking my way. He’d hold my gaze for a moment and then go back to watching the road. I loved the way he was with me. One day, he’d treat me as if I were a delicate flower he was afraid would bruise, and the next, he was the same way he’d acted in the bar. Taking charge and telling me what he wanted. The lust I recognized in his eyes was a language I understood all too well. It screamed that he wanted me in the worst way. The same way I’d been craving him. But behind that lust lay something else. Something I hadn’t seen in so long I’d almost forgotten how much I’d missed it.
I wasn’t foolish enough to think Hawk loved me, but his eyes told me he would if I’d be open to it. Was that something I wanted? After Gavin had left, I’d been so closed off to laying my heart open for anyone else to come in and finish ripping it apart. Gavin had been the only man I’d ever let into my heart, and look what he’d done to it. Could I trust Hawk with something so precious? That was a very serious question, and one I needed to find an answer to, because I had a feeling the moment I shared my body with him, there would be no going back.
Finding a boyfriend had never been my intention. From the beginning, it had been about landing that elusive role I’d spent years chasing. Hawk and I both knew at some point I’d have to leave, but where did that leave us in the meantime? Was I ready to fall again? Was it already too late? And the bigger question… Would I be able to survive the landing if things didn’t work out in the end?